Estate Planning: Are You Covered?

Personal Finance Jag Dhamrait 27 Jan


“New Year, new you” may be a cliché but it is for a reason! The New Year always has us thinking about where we are now, and where we want to end up. When it comes to your personal goals, a review of your finances and estate should be at the top of your list.

Proper estate planning can ensure that you have a stress-free year knowing you are covered!

Is your will up-to-date?

The purpose of a will is to outline your assets and determine how they will be distributed, as well as who will be in charge of managing affairs. Some key components to include in this document are:

  • Up-to-date list of your significant assets; note the location if outside your province or outside Canada.
  • Who will inherit your assets? And which?
  • Outline of where you want assets to pass outside your estate to avoid probate fees (e.g., an insurance policy, an RRSP)? Do this via beneficiary designation.
    • If they are minors, do you have a trust or other provisions in place?
  • Is the list of beneficiaries in your will up to date? Have there been recent births, deaths or marriages in your family?
  • Have you included alternates in case your named beneficiaries predecease you?
  • Do you want to give to charities or other organizations?
  • If you have children, have you indicated a guardian and spoken to them?
    • Did you include an alternate in case the guardian you chose is unable to commit?
    • Have you reviewed your choice of guardian as your child grows older?
  • Your executor who will carry out your wishes after you die. You can name one executor or two or more co-executors. Be sure to name one or more alternates as well.

Have you assigned a power of attorney?

Another important (and often overlooked!) aspect of estate planning involves naming a power of attorney. This individual is someone you trust to make decisions for you should you become unable to do so due to injury or illness, whether temporary or otherwise.  Power of attorney documents are created for you by a wills and estates lawyer (or notary in Quebec) as part of your estate plan.

Do you have mortgage protection insurance?

Through Manulife Mortgage Protection Plan (MPP), you have the opportunity to add a portable insurance policy to your mortgage that helps protect your loved ones and your home should something unexpected happen to you.  Unlike bank insurance, MPP is a portable life and disability product that you can take with you, from lender to lender and property to property.  This gives you the utmost future flexibility and is unlike bank insurance products which tie you down exclusively to them.  To ensure you get the best rate at renewal, you must have invested in an insurance product like MPP that will give you the freedom to move!

Mortgage life insurance will protect your family’s future by paying out your mortgage should the mortgage holder pass away. Manulife will also make your mortgage payments while your claim is being adjudicated, so there is no added stress for a loved one at an already difficult time.  Mortgage disability insurance will take care of your mortgage payments plus property taxes if you become disabled.  Disabilities from sickness and accidents are relatively common and will affect 1 in 3 borrowers throughout their mortgage amortization.  Manulife provides budget-friendly payment options, the ability to top-up your coverage and so much more.

These are all important aspects to consider to ensure your estate and family will be provided for should something happen. While never a fun topic, it is an important one and the better prepared you are, the better off your loved ones will be.

I would be happy to discuss coverage with you to ensure peace of mind for your family and their future.

Mortgage Renewal Benefits

Mortgage Tips Jag Dhamrait 20 Nov

Is your mortgage coming up for renewal? Do you know about all the incredible options renewing your mortgage can afford you?

If not, I have all the details here on how to make your mortgage renewal work for you as we start to think about 2024.

Get a Better Rate
Are you aware that when you receive notice that your mortgage is coming up for renewal, this is the best time to shop around for a more favourable interest rate? At renewal time, it is easy to shop around or switch lenders for a preferable interest rate as it doesn’t break your mortgage. With interest rates expected to come down as we move into the New Year, taking some time to reach out to me and shopping the market could help save you money!

Consolidate Debt
Renewal time is also a great time to take a look at your existing debt and determine whether or not you want to consolidate it onto your mortgage. For some, this means consolidating your holiday credit card debt into your mortgage, for others it could be car loans, education, etc. Regardless of the type of debt, consolidating into your mortgage allows for one easy payment instead of juggling multiple loans. Plus, in most cases, the interest rate on your mortgage is less than you would be charged with credit card companies.

Start on that Reno
Do you have projects around the house you’ve been dying to get started on? Renewal time is a great opportunity for you to look at utilizing some of your home equity to help with home renovations so you can finally have that dream kitchen, updated bathroom, OR you can even utilize it to purchase a vacation property!

Change Your Mortgage Product
Are you not happy with your existing mortgage product? Perhaps you’re finding that your variable-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages are fluctuating too much and you want to lock in! Alternatively, maybe you want to switch to variable as interest rates start to level out. You can also utilize your renewal time to take advantage of a different payment or amortization schedule to help pay off your mortgage faster!

Change Your Lender
Not happy with your current lender? Perhaps a different bank has a lower rate or a mortgage product with terms that better suit your needs. A mortgage renewal is a great time to switch to a different bank or credit union to ensure that you are getting the value you want out of your mortgage if you are finding that your needs are not currently being met.

Regardless of how you feel about your current mortgage and what changes you may want to make, if your mortgage is coming up for renewal or is ready for renewal, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’d be happy to discuss your situation and review any changes that would be beneficial for you to reach your goals; from shopping for new rates or utilizing that equity! I can help you find the best option for where you are at in your life now and help you to ensure future financial success.

Economic Insights from Dr. Sherry Cooper – November 2023

Economic News Jag Dhamrait 1 Nov

The Canadian economy is showing continued signs of slowing as inflation decelerates. This opens the door for a continued pause in rate hikes. Indeed, with any luck, the Bank might have finished its tightening cycle.

One more rate hike is possible, especially if continued Middle East tensions lead to a sustained oil price increase, but the odds are against it.

This does not suggest, however, that interest rates will decline anytime soon. Headline inflation in September was posted at a 3.8% year-over-year pace, well above the Bank’s 2% target. Wage inflation remains at roughly 5%, and inflation expectations remain high.

However, the economy is slowing, and excess demand in labour markets is waning. Third-quarter economic growth is likely to be less than 0.5%, and leading economic indicators are pointing to a further slowdown in the final quarter of this year and the first quarter of 2024.

Canadian consumers, weighed down by record debt loads and high prices, are tightening their purse strings. Savings rates have fallen, and retail sales per capita have slowed markedly. Sales were down in six subsectors: car dealers, furniture, electronics, and appliance retailers.

Canadians are quickly rolling back their purchases of goods as more households face mortgage payment renewals. The Bank of Canada consumer survey suggested that families expect more adverse effects ahead as an increasing volume of mortgages come due for renewal or refinancing.

Businesses are also tightening their belts as the recent Bank of Canada Business Outlook survey showed considerable weakness. The Bank is counting on softening demand to translate into a slower inflation rate in the coming months.

I expect the central bank to cut interest rates in mid-2024, gradually taking the overnight policy rate down. In the meantime, housing markets will continue seeing a surge in new listings and more favourable buying opportunities.

Fall Market Forecast

Economic News Jag Dhamrait 1 Oct

As we round the corner into October, now is a great time to touch base about what to expect in the marketplace this Fall!

As you may have heard, The Bank of Canada opted to maintain its policy rate at 5% as of September. The recent rate hikes over the spring and summer have slowed the housing and mortgage markets as potential buyers were unsurprisingly spooked by the rise in mortgage rates.

More recently, fixed-rate loans have become more expensive because of the rise in longer-term interest rates. As a result, housing affordability became a bigger hurdle and led to a slight decrease in home prices by 6% in major markets over the summer.

With The Bank of Canada currently maintaining the 5% policy rate, many hope this will be the peak in overnight rate changes. If so, homeowners and potential buyers will be granted some breathing room. We will find out more with their upcoming announcement on October 25th.

As we turn the corner into Fall and start looking ahead to the coming year, analysts are forecasting stronger housing markets. The expectation is that The Bank of Canada will gradually cut interest rates by mid-year, allowing potential buyers to better navigate their affordability.

As the housing supply shortage continues, new listings are likely to rise and provide much-needed new inventory. As we move into 2024 and start to see interest rates decrease, motivated sellers will move off the sidelines and housing demand is expected to be resilient.

For anyone who is thinking about purchasing this season, it is important to get pre-approved to guarantee your interest rate for 90-120 days while you shop the market. This way, you will avoid being impacted by potential rate changes and can properly estimate your budget for mortgage costs. Plus, pre-approval will indicate to the seller that you will not have issues obtaining financing (assuming nothing changes between now and the purchase with your job, savings, etc.), which is key during the current economic landscape.

To help you make the best decision possible, download the My Mortgage Toolbox app to determine what you can afford, and what your mortgage would look like at various interest rate levels.

I am also here to provide expert, unbiased advice to anyone with concerns, questions or wanting to get started on their pre-approval today!

Back to School: Teaching Kids About Money

Personal Finance Jag Dhamrait 20 Sep

Financial independence is a critical skill for future success that your children will not learn anywhere else.

Not only does financial literacy help your children have more success in life, but it allows them to move out sooner and it avoids delaying your retirement with additional expenses to support them.

So, how do you teach your children about money?

  1. Review Your Attitude Towards Money: The first and most important thing is to examine your own attitude towards money. Are you a penny pincher? Frivolous spender? Do you buy on impulse, or take a long time to make a purchase? How much debt do you have? Your financial habits will shape your children. To ensure that you are setting them up for their best financial future, parents need to consider what messages they are sending with their own money habits.
  2. Give Your Children an Allowance: Providing an allowance to your children (especially one in exchange for chores) is an age-old way of teaching your kids about money. A good guideline is $1.00 per year of your child’s age. For a 10-year-old, this would be $10 per week.
  3. Teach Your Child to Save: If you are giving your child $10 per week in allowance for chores, encourage them to put even just $1 per week into a piggy bank. In six months, show them how much money they have saved and talk to them about why it is important, and what they can do with that larger amount now.
  4. Encourage Kids to Think Before They Buy: While it’s hard to get a 10-year-old excited about an RRSP, there are other ways to help them plan ahead. One is to encourage them to think about their purchases before they commit. They saw a toy on TV and they have to have it – teach them about how advertisements are designed to make you want something. Ask them to wait a week. Do they still want it?
  5. Involve Your Children in the Family Finances: It is more valuable than you might think to let your kids see and hear you discuss financial planning; let them be part of opening and paying bills or planning vacations. Explain why and how much you pay for certain things and discuss affordable choices. This helps them be part of the conversation and will work to instill a sense of financial responsibility as they grow up.

Remember, you are the best example to your children about money. Don’t be afraid to share the ups and downs with them. Be patient with your kids, but don’t give up! The best thing you can do as a parent is to promote financial security and independence.

Market Beware: Condition-Free Offers

Mortgage Tips Jag Dhamrait 10 Sep

When it comes to purchasing a home, most offers include “conditions” (or “subjects” if you are in the provinces of British Columbia or Manitoba), which are requirements or criteria to be met before the sale can be finalized and the property is transferred.

Some of the most common conditions include:

  • Financing approval
  • Home inspection
  • Fire/home insurance protection
  • Strata document review if applicable

The purpose of these conditions is to protect the buyer from making a poor investment and ensure that there are no hidden surprises when it comes to financing, insurance, or the state of the property.

These conditions are written up in the purchase offer with a date of removal. This is agreed to by the seller before the sale is finalized. Assuming the conditions are lifted by the date of removal, the sale can go through. If the conditions are not lifted (perhaps financing falls through or something is revealed during the home inspection), the buyer can waive the offer and the purchase becomes void.

In some cases, homebuyers choose to approach an offer without conditions.  Below we have outlined the impact of what this means for buyers and sellers to help you better understand the risks and outcomes:

Pros of Condition-free Offers

  • Buyers: The main benefit of a condition-free offer for a buyer is the ability to “beat the competition” in a heated market. However, it is not without risks.
  • Sellers: Typically, a condition-free offer will include a competitive price, willingness to work with the dates the seller prefers, and evidence that the buyer has already done as much research as possible. If time is sensitive for the seller because they are trying to purchase another home or want to move as soon as possible, they may also choose your offer over conditions offers to expedite the process.

Cons of Condition-free Offers

  • Buyers: As a buyer submitting a condition-free offer, you are assuming a great deal of risk in several areas including financing, inspection, and insurance:
    • Financing: While buyers may feel that they have a pre-approval and so they don’t require a condition to financing, it is important to recognize that a pre-approval is not a guarantee of financing. If you are submitting a condition-free purchase based on a pre-approval, buyer beware. The financing is subject to the lender approving the property and the sale; from the price and location to type of property or other variables the lender deems important. By submitting a condition-free offer without a financing guarantee (or an inspection, title check, etc.), there is a risk that the deal can fall through. Even when you do not include conditions on the offer, you still are required to finance your purchase. In addition, as deals are submitted typically with a deposit, there is a risk that if the condition-free offer falls through the buyer will lose their deposit. This amount can range vary in the thousands and is typically a percentage of the purchase price or down payment.
    • Inspection & Insurance: If a buyer is also opting to skip the home inspection and home insurance protection conditions to have the offer accepted, then they assume huge risk as they do not know what they are getting and whether or not the property is up to code for insurance.
    • Due Diligence: With condition-free offers, there is no opportunity for due diligence after the offer has been made. This requires the buyer to do all their research before their initial bid. Because it is firm and binding, a buyer who decides to back out will likely be met with serious legal ramifications. Submitting an offer without conditions is not due diligence and it is at the buyer’s behest.
  • For Sellers: When it comes to the individual selling the property, there is less risk with condition-free offers but not zero. While the benefit is essentially there is no wait to accept the offer on the seller’s side, they do not know for sure if financing will come through.

Financing Around Condition-free Offers

When submitting a condition-free offer, it is essentially up to the buyer to do as much due diligence as possible before submitting. They will need to identify what the lender is looking for to make sure they walk away with a mortgage. Though approval is never certain, prospective buyers placing a condition-free offer should do their very best to secure financing beforehand.

Contractual Obligations

Be mindful when it comes to purchasing offers versus purchase agreements. While your purchase offer is a written proposal to purchase, the purchase agreement is a full contract between the buyer and seller. The purchase offer acts as a letter of intent, setting the terms you propose to buy the home. If financing falls through, for example, then the contract is breached and this is where the buyer may lose the deposit.

It is also important to be aware of a breach of contract in the event that a seller chooses to take action. For example, if you submit a condition-free offer of $500,000 and cannot secure financing for that offer and the seller turns around and is only able to get a $400,000 deal with another buyer, they could potentially sue the initial buyer for the difference due to breach of contract.

Preparing a Condition-Free Offer

If you have decided to go ahead with a condition-free offer, regardless of the risks, there are some things you can do to mitigate potential issues, including:

  • Get Pre-Approved: Again, this is not a guarantee of financing when you do make an offer, but it can help you determine whether you would be approved or not.
  • Financing Review: Identify what the lender is looking for to make sure they walk away with a mortgage. Though approval is never certain, prospective buyers placing a condition-free offer should do their very best to secure financing beforehand.
  • Do Your Due Diligence: Look into the property and determine if there have been major renovations or a history of damage. This could come in the form of a Property Disclosure Statement. While this statement cannot substitute a proper inspection, it can help identify potential issues or areas of concern. If possible, conduct an inspection before submitting your bid/offer.
  • Get Legal Advice: This can help you determine your potential risk and ramifications of the offer should it be accepted, or otherwise.
  • Title Review: Be sure to review the title of the property.
  • Insurance: Confirm that you are able to purchase insurance for the home. Keep in mind, an inspection may be required for this but in some cases, you can substitute for a depreciation report if it is recent.
  • Strata Documents (if applicable): Thoroughly review strata meeting minutes and any related documents to determine areas of concern.

While there are things that can be done to help with condition-free offers, it is still risky. Ultimately submitting an offer with conditions gives you the time and ability to gather information on the above, as well as access to the property or home for inspections.

If you are intent on submitting a condition-free offer, be sure to discuss it with your real estate agent as they can determine if a condition-free offer is necessary, or if perhaps a short closing window would suffice to seal the deal. A good realtor will keep you informed of potential interest and other bids during the process as well. Their goal should be to maximize your opportunity and minimize your risk. In addition, before making any offers, be sure to contact me to discuss your mortgage and financing so you can make the best decision.

Economic Insights from Dr. Sherry Cooper – August 2023

Economic News Jag Dhamrait 1 Aug

The Bank of Canada remains staunch in its battle against inflation, utilizing its primary weapon—the overnight policy rate—which has escalated from 25 basis points to 500 bps since March 2022.

This historically low overnight rate was a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and implementing measures to cushion the economic impact of the lockdowns. These initiatives included reducing the policy rate from 1.75% to 0.25%, postponing mortgage payments, providing financial support to businesses for workforce maintenance, and compensating individuals for home quarantine. These measures, amongst others, reignited the economy upon the widespread availability of the vaccine.

The Canadian economy bounced back robustly once commercial activities resumed. Employment rates rocketed, and unemployment plummeted to all-time lows. However, the recovery faced a setback when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2021, which caused supply constraints, and substantially increased energy and food. Despite the soaring inflation, central banks were initially hesitant to take action.

In hindsight, we now know the necessity for initiating interest rate hikes by mid-2021. Instead, this action was postponed until March 2022.Furthermore, the Bank of Canada and other significant central banks inundated the financial system with surplus liquidity by purchasing government bonds. This quantitative easing tactic made capital not only more affordable but also readily available, sparking an unprecedented boom in the housing market.

Many exploited the record-low rates of 2020 and 2021 by opting for variable-rate loans due to their lower costs. At its zenith, variable-rate mortgages (VRMs) accounted for 57% of all loan originations. These loans are due for renewal in 2025 and 2026. However, most of these loans have reached their trigger points and are negatively amortizing, barring substantial lump-sum payments by borrowers.

For those who chose adjustable-rate loans, monthly payments increased with every Bank of Canada rate hike. Delinquency rates, for the time being, remain impressively low within the prime space, though they are beginning to rise among alternative lenders.

After reaching a zenith of 8.1% in June 2022, inflation has slowed to 2.8% in June of this year. Regardless, the Bank of Canada continued its trend of interest rate hikes following a brief hiatus in its last two meetings, with speculation of another hike in September. The Bank has provided a buffer period for itself by projecting a return to the 2% target inflation rate by mid-2025—a considerably more extended period than initially anticipated.

The recent rate hikes and moderated expectations appear prudent considering the Bank’s preference for mitigating inflation over preventing a recession. It is improbable that the Bank of Canada will reduce interest rates this year.

Although the policy rate is projected to decrease in the first half of 2024, it is not expected to return to the pre-COVID level of 1.75%. Negative real interest rates (the actual market rate minus the 2% inflation rate) are unlikely to occur, barring a global economic meltdown.

Homeowner Insurance 101

Mortgage Tips Jag Dhamrait 21 Jul

Man protecting a toy house with his hands from dominoes falling on top of it from either end.

Not all insurance products are created equal. It is important to understand all the different insurance products to ensure you have proper coverage.

Below are the main insurance product options you will encounter with homeownership, and what they mean:

Default Insurance: This insurance is mandatory for homes where the buyer puts less than 20% down. In fact, default insurance is the reason that lenders accept lower down payments, such as 5% minimum, and actually helps these buyers access comparable interest rates typically offered with larger down payments. This insurance typically requires a premium, which is based on the loan-to-value ratio (mortgage loan amount divided by the purchase price). This premium can be paid in a single lump sum, or it can be added to your mortgage and included in your monthly payments.

Home (Property & Fire) Insurance: Next, we have another mandatory insurance option, property and fire coverage (or, home insurance, as most people know it by). This MUST be in place before you close the mortgage! It is especially important to note that not all homes or properties are insurable, so you will want to review this sooner rather than later. Keep in mind, with this coverage you may not have protection in the event of a flood or earthquake. You may need to purchase additional coverage to be protected from a natural disaster, depending on your location.

Title Insurance: When it comes to lenders, this insurance is mandatory with every single lender in Canada requiring you to purchase title insurance on their behalf. In addition, you have the option of purchasing this for yourself as a homeowner. The benefit of title insurance is that it can protect you from existing liens on the property’s title, but the most common benefit is protection against title fraud. Title fraud typically involves someone using stolen personal information, or forged documents to transfer your home’s title to him or herself – without your knowledge. Similar to default insurance, title insurance is charged as a one-time fee or a premium with the cost based on the value of your property.

Strata Insurance: When it comes to a stratum, their insurance covers the building itself – meaning in the event of an incident (fire, flood, etc.) the building can be re-established. This however only covers common areas; it does not cover the contents of YOUR particular unit, which requires a homeowner’s insurance policy. Personal insurance can also help with the strata deductible. For example, in the event of a flood that originates from a unit, it will require fixes to the unit itself (under your personal policy) plus the building (covered by the strata policy). Depending on the type of claim or damage, owners are often relocated to a hotel while the unit is being repaired and the personal insurance would also cover being displaced.

To ensure that you remain up-to-date with your strata insurance policies, it is vital that homeowners living within a stratum to check with management for a copy of the most recent insurance policy. Always take your strata and individual policy to an insurance agent to ensure you are aware of your coverage and that your individual homeowner’s policy is working in your favor. Investment property owners especially need to check their existing deductible against the updated deductible and insurance policies to avoid any future issues.

Mortgage Protection Plan: This coverage is optional, but any mortgage professional will tell you is extremely important. The purpose of the mortgage protection plan is to protect you, and your family, should something happen. It acts as a disability and a life insurance policy in regards to your mortgage. Typically, when you get approval for a mortgage, it is based on family income. If one of the partners in the mortgage is no longer able to contribute due to disability or death, a mortgage protection plan gives you protection for your mortgage payments.

If you have any questions about mortgage insurance or what are the best options for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 647-883-7790 or by email at!

I would be happy to take a look at your existing plan and discuss your needs to help you find the perfect coverage to suit you and your family.

Appraisal Tips for Success

Mortgage Tips Jag Dhamrait 14 Jul

A home appraiser standing in front of a home

Before banks or lending institutions can consider loaning money for a property, they need to know the current market value of that property.

The job of an appraiser is to check the general condition of your home and determine a comparable market value based on other homes in your area. This is required for any buy or sell situation.

To help make the appraisal as smooth as possible and ensure you are getting top market value, check out the tips below:

  1. Clean Up: The appraiser is basing the value of your property on how good it looks. A good rule of thumb is to treat the appraisal like an open house! Stage it as you would a home for sale, clean and declutter every room, vacuum, and scrub – even consider adding a fresh coat of paint – to ensure your home is as presentable and appealing as possible. Where applicable remove personal stigma items such as alcohol or drug paraphernalia, any controversial pictures or flags, etc.
  2. Curb Appeal: First impressions can have a huge impact when it comes to an appraisal. Spending some time ensuring the outside of your property from your driveway entrance to front step is clean and welcoming can make a world of difference. Cut grass, water plants, maybe add flowers or hanging baskets to make things feel inviting and stage the yard with some lawn furniture to make it look like its own space.
  3. Visibility: The appraiser must be able to see every room of the home, no exceptions. YES, ever singly room including outbuildings, garage, closets, basement… Refusal to allow an appraiser to see any room can cause issues and potentially kill your deal. If there are any issues with any spaces of your home, be sure to take care of them in advance to allow the appraiser full access. NOTE: If there are tenants in your home, ensure you give them appropriate amount of notice for access. YES, every single room, outbuilding, closet, garage needs access. Otherwise, the appraiser will have to return at added expense to you.
  4. Upgrades and Features: Ensuring the appraiser is aware of any upgrades and features can go a long way. Make a list and include everything from plumbing and electrical to new floors, new appliances, etc. This way they have a reference as to what has been updated and how recent or professional that work was done. Knowing the age of the roof and HVAC items like water tank is important. Also, ensure the breaker box is MIN 100amps as most lenders cannot finance a home with amps under 100; older homes from the 1930 area are generally only 60amps. The same goes for knob and tube versus breaker set-ups. Upgrading is important and will add value.
  5. Be Prudent About Upgrades: While the bathroom and kitchen are popular areas, they are not necessarily the be-all-end-all for getting a higher home value. These renovations can be quite costly so it is a good idea to be prudent about how you spend your money and instead, focus on easy changes such as new paint, new light fixtures or plumbing and updated flooring to avoid breaking the bank while still having your home look fresh. Removing clutter, adding a new coat of paint and doing a deep clean will help make these spaces shine.
  6. Know Your Neighbourhood: You already know where you live better than the appraiser. Taking a look at similar homes in your neighbourhood and noting what they sold for will give you a ballpark. If your appraisal comes in low, you will be prepared to discuss with the appraiser the examples from your area and why you believe you property is worth more. In addition, keep in mind that appraisal values are based on recent sales data; if there have been zero sales in the area recently and time allows it, hold off on getting an appraisal done until some sales have been evident to ensure you’re getting the most value.
  7. Be Polite: The appraiser is there to get in and get out so let them have the run of the house while they are there. Do not follow them around and avoid asking them too many questions or making too many comments and simply be prepared should they have questions. Once they have completed the review of your home, that is a good time to bring up any comments you might have. Remember, the actual onsite inspection usually is only 15 minutes through the house but typically, the bulk of work for appraisals is at the desk, reviewing sales and other forms of research to create the appraisal report.
  8. Get a Copy of the Report: Even though the consumer generally pays for the report, it typically belongs to your mortgage professional who ordered it – and it is addressed for a single lender. If the lender is changed after the appraisal, a new one will need to be done up for the new lender. The consumer is NOT allowed to get a copy of the actual report unless the actually appraiser consents to it; this is to avoid any alterations to the information. However, don’t be shy! Ask me to review the report with you!
  9. Know The Costs: Every appraiser charges differently. If the lender allows for ordering appraisals direct, then I can shop around and fetch you the best price.

Don’t forget to contact me at 647-883-7790 or at if you have any questions about your existing home or mortgage, or if you are looking to sell and relocate in the future!

If you are interested in completing a mortgage application, click here.

10 Money Saving Tips!

Financial Tips Jag Dhamrait 10 Jun

a pink piggy bank with change all around.

When it comes to saving money, there are a lot of little things you can do that add up to make a big difference!

Here are 10 of my favourite money-saving tips to help get you started today:

  1. Automatic Savings are one of the most effective ways to save because you can’t spend what you can’t access! Instruct your employer to transfer a certain amount from your paycheck each pay period into an RRSP or savings account (or both) or set up automatic transfers in your banking account to coincide with your payday.
  2. Consolidating Debt will result in a single monthly payment and lower interest costs! Many people don’t realize just how much money they are wasting on interest each month, especially if you have multiple loans or credit cards. Consolidating debt can help you gain control and maximize spend on the principal amounts to pay off loans faster.
  3. Budget with Cash if you have trouble with overspending or find it too easy to use your card. After your bills are paid, take out the remaining cash (spending money) and only use that. Once the cash is gone, you’re out of money until next payday! Having physical cash in hand can also help you think twice when making purchases.
  4. Buying in Bulk is a great way to save a bit here and a bit there when doing your regular grocery shop or purchasing other items. Know you’ll need more? Stock up at once for bulk savings, which will help you in the long run!
  5. Before Buying there are two things you should always do. The first is to wait at least 24 hours and the second is to shop around! If you still want to buy something the next day, make sure you get the best price available!
  6. Plan Your Meals. Most of us don’t have time to make breakfast (let alone lunch!) before we fly out the door for work. But what if I told you that getting up an hour earlier could save you over $100 a week!? Just think about how much you spend going out for breakfast AND lunch each day? Groceries are a lot cheaper and you can even prep a few days worth of meals on Sunday while you get ready for the week.
  7. Think in Hours versus Dollars every time you are looking to make a purchase, especially large ones to help you understand the TIME value of money. A new $24 Blu-Ray = 1 hour of work. A brand-new mattress = 41.67 hours of work. Understanding the time that went into earning money for a purchase can help with reconsidering frivolous items, or encourage you to look for the best deal on necessary products.
  8. Utility Savings can help you save each month! Don’t blast your A/C with all the doors in your house open, don’t pump the heat without sealing cracks and consider things like installing water-saving toilets and running cold-water wash cycles to save energy (and money!) every day.
  9. Master DIY – While sometimes you can spend $120 to make a $20 item yourself, there are some things that do benefit from DIY, such installing dimmer switches, that can help save you money in the long run.
  10. Save Windfalls and Tax Refunds for a rainy day. A good rule of thumb is to put 50% of bonuses, tax refunds or other windfalls into your savings account and put the rest against loans owing. While you might want to go on a shopping spree or plan a vacation, paying off your debt NOW will free you up in the future.